
Windows 10 to Boldly Support the ‘Middle Finger’ Emoji

Windows 10 to Boldly Support the 'Middle Finger' Emoji

Microsoft is going where Google and Apple don’t dare to go, and add the controversial “middle finger” emoji in its software platform.

The “Flipping the bird” emoji has been seen since the mid of last year, which was included in the Unicode 7 update. But the “Reversed Hand with Middle Finger Extended Emoji” was not supported in both Windows 8 and 8.1. Emojipedia reported that the new emoji will be made available in the new Windows 10.

Microsoft will be the first with this one, because as of the moment it is still not supported by the iOS, the Mac OS, Android and also the Chrome software.

Emojipedia also shared that the new OS will set an emoji default skin tone for people, from a neutral gray, to a bright yellow tone. Emoji default skin tone in Windows 8.1 does have an off light pink tone, making them essentially white.

Emojipedia stated that in Windows 10, users can adjust the tones of the skin, five tone options will be added to the neutral gray, in particular, cream white, pale, dark brown, moderate brown, and also black.

Microsoft also added some emoji tinkering options in for the Windows 10, which is considered more stable. One example is that an emoji woman face can be added with Haircut Emoji and some changes with the use of different emoji faces.

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