Voicemail transcription in Google Voice gets a much needed update

Yesterday, in a blog post Google announced that voicemail transcription in Google voice is getting a much-needed update and transcriptions are much more accurate than before.
Google Voice offers an amazing feature that transcribes user’s voicemails into text so that he or she can read them in leisure time. However, if anyone of you have ever used this service, you will know how hilariously terrible it was.
Users have shared their voicemails with Google for research purposes and the company has used the real world data to bring noteworthy enhancements to voicemail transcription.
Zander Danko, Google software engineer wrote in a blog post regarding the enhancements of voicemail transcription in Google voice:
“We asked users if they would kindly share some of their voicemails for research and system improvements. Thanks to those who participated, we are happy to announce an improved voicemail system in Google Voice and Project Fi that delivers more accurate transcriptions. Using a (deep breath) long short-term memory deep recurrent neural network (whew!), we cut our transcription errors by 49%.”
According to Google, error rates of voicemail transcription in Google voice have been reduced by 49% after the update. The search engine giant also said that users don’t need to do anything to reap the benefits of these updates. They just need to use the Google Voice and Project Fi as they always have and notice the enhancements automatically.
The company also said that the changes might not be big, but they will continue to work towards the development of voicemail transcription in Google voice over time.
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