US ISPs Scramble as Google Fiber Enters the Market

Google Fiber sets the momentum in getting ISPs moving to take their services to the next level. Seen as a threat to their business, the tech giant makes internet providers scramble in order to deliver better subscriber experience.
Google is set to bring Fiber to key cities, including in Charlotte, North Carolina where Time Warner Cable starts freaking out for the fear of losing internet subscribers by promising to increase internet speed by up to six-fold while Google is preparing to enter (and eventually conquer) the market.
Time Warner has just announced that it would deliver its subscribers up to six times of internet speed following the announcement of Google (search engine best and soon ISP best, too?) in January. It announced its plan of expanding its internet services to metro areas. And for the latest, the tech giant was finalizing designs with the local authorities in order to clear the way for their network’s construction, Ars Technica reported.
Aside from Time Warner Cable, AT&T has also begun offering high speed internet services to its Kansas City customers, supplying up to one gigabit/second (Cost:$70/month), competing (while duplicating) the same price and service level of Google.
Looks like better services with better competition, huh.
Vishal Misra, a Columbia computer science professor, had said that the only way of improving internet service in America was through increased competition.
Obviously, the country’s internet service isn’t as good as in other industrialized nations (and for years has been lagging badly behind). Well, let’s check out for more updates on this somehow good news for America’s internet services.
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