Uber driver charged in Kalamazoo shootings switched cars during deadly rampage

On Monday Mr Dalton sat emotionless throughout a brief video arraignment held at the courthouse next door to the church, as a district court judge rattled off the list of charges filed against him: sixteen felony charges, including six counts of murder and two for assault with intent to commit murder.
Uber said Sunday that it has offered to assist authorities in their investigation.
The Dalton family said in a statement Monday: “This type of violence has no place in our society, and we express our love and support for everyone involved”.
A general view of the Cracker Barrel where a gunman went on a shooting rampage, on February 21, 2016 in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
A man accused of randomly killing six people in MI had a personal cache of weapons that included handguns and long guns, but there was nothing in his past that prevented him from owning as many guns as he could afford.
The proprietor of Southwick’s, a gun store about 20 miles north of Kalamazoo, told MLive Dalton bought a black jacket with a chest pocket created to hide a handgun.
Police are still trying to piece together the timeline behind a shooting spree that gripped the Kalamazoo area for several hours on Saturday.
Kalamazoo County prosecutor Jeff Getting says Dalton waived his right against self-incrimination and admitted his involvement in the shooting spree. The company says its drivers are independent contractors who use the app to help find customers and schedule trips.
“It’s really important that we recognize this very bad, senseless tragedy”, Cole said.
Sullivan said Uber does not plan to change its screening processes for drivers as a result of the Kalamazoo shootings. Other websites and databases such at the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website are used as well.
The two surviving victims include a 14-year-old girl, Abigail Kopf, who is in critical condition and Tiana Carruthers, 25, who was seriously wounded but is expected to recover.
An Uber representative said Dalton had passed background checks. “I said, ‘You’re not the shooter, are you?’ And he said, ‘No.’ And I said, ‘Are you sure?’ And he kind of just said, ‘No, I’m just exhausted”. He said Dalton side-swiped an auto and ran red lights and a stop sign.
Jason Dalton’s neighbors have said he liked guns, but just how much is becoming more apparent.
“Once he hung up with that phone call is when he started driving erratically”, Mellen said. Prosecutors said he confessed to the random killings, but officials have not specified any motive for Dalton’s rampage.
“The system that Uber has is extremely safe”, said Ed Davis, a former police commissioner from Boston who serves on Uber’s Safety Advisory Board.
Passengers like Matt Mellen said Dalton drove like a maniac. The Associated Press could not immediately confirm those accounts.
Dalton allegedly opened fire outside the restaurant about 15 minutes later.
Facebook The fatal victims of the shooting (clockwise from top left): Mary Jo Nye, Mary Lou Nye, Barbara Hawthorne, Rich Smith, Tyler Smith and Dorothy Brown.
Earlier, authorities reported seven deaths.
“Nobody understands why it happened and that adds to the fear and the sorrow and all of it that goes along with this”.
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