
Twitter web site has been restored after experiencing an outage

Yesterday, was not available for some users across the US, Europe as well as parts of Canada around 3:15 pm EDT and left many users frustrated. But now, the Twitter web site has been restored after experiencing an outage lasting an hour.

Experiencing an outage in online services is nothing new, but if it occurs when people are online, it is infuriating. If the same outage occurs while most people are sleeping, then it is not a problem at all and considered as a maintenance session.

The Twitter web site has been restored after short outage:

According to the company’s official statement, users experienced issues accessing the social networking service between 2:22 pm to 3:16 pm EDT (1822 to 1916 GMT). But the mobile app and Tweetdeck, which let users view multiple Twitter browsers simultaneously, were unaffected.

During the outage, when users tried to access the micro-blogging website from their personal computers, they received a message reading “something is technically wrong.” On August 31, Twitter experienced similar issues with its website when it was down for 11 minutes.

Now, Twitter web site is back and running in all forms, but the tech company has not yet disclosed the reason for the outage. Howeve,r they accepted that it ran into some issues, saying, “Earlier today, some users may have experienced issues accessing This issue is now resolved.”

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