
Twitter Unveiled A New Update That Will Remove The 140 Character Limitation From The Direct Messages

Twitter has unveiled various updates this week and now they have unveiled a new update that will remove the 140 character limitation from the Direct Messages to 10,000 characters. But the character limit for regular tweets will remain to be 140 character.

Sachin Agarwal, who is Twitter’s product manager for Direct Messages, wrote on the developers forum “We’ve done a lot to improve Direct Messages over the past year and have much more exciting work on the horizon. One change coming in July that we want to make you aware of now (and first!) is the removal of the 140 character limit in Direct Messages. In order to make this change as seamless as possible for you we’ve included some recommendations below to ensure all your applications and services can handle these longer format messages before we flip the switch.”

So, Twitter users can now stop worrying about getting their Direct messages trimmed to 140 characters, as they are removing the restriction from July. Earlier, the chat in Direct Messages was not that useful due to the 140 character limitation. If users have to send some more significant information which is longer than the limit, then they had no choice but to move to other sources such as WhatsApp, iMessage, Facebook Messenger or emails.

A new option is also added by Twitter that allows users to receive private messages from any user in its platform. Earlier only users who were following one another could chat in direct messages. Users can opt to receive a DM from anyone in the app’s main settings through “security and privacy” menu.

Companies that run customer service on Twitter will be greatly benefited by this. Twitter already made it easier for companies by giving them the option to let anyone initiate a DM, but now they can send long messages without any restriction.

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