Tumblr is Rolling Out “Tumbler TV” For GIFs Lovers

Tumblr is rolling out “Tumbler TV” For GIFs lovers, which will display continuous streams of GIFs that users can tune out to. “Browse over to tumblr.com/tv. Never touch your computer again, because now it’s perfect forever. We kind of made this whole thing by accident,” said Tumblr officials.
How to use Tumblr TV?
Tumblr TV is available to anyone even if they don’t have an account on Tumblr and will display a collection of most popular GIFs. If any user wants to use this feature, they just have to search for their desired GIF or they can directly access through the URL tumblr.com/tv which will show GIFs that are currently trending across the service. The users will be able to see a small button captioned as ‘TV’ displayed right above the search results.
What Tumblr TV will offer?
The users will be able to view their favorite GIFs in Full-view and those GIFs that don’t quite fit the display are overlaid onto a zoomed in version. The GIFs will be played on timed-loop automatically, changing GIFs from one to another. When a user hovers the cursor over the Tumblr TV interface, they will be able to see the source for the GIF, the player controls and its tags which will allow them to cycle back or forward or pause the Tumblr TV to remain on the current GIF. There are reblogging and favorite functions embedded into the Tumblr TV dash, and it can be used to search for trending GIFs or specific content.
Bill Eager, Tumblr Product Engineer said “The GIF is really an old standard that dates back to the ’80s. It was a conceptually challenging exercise to present GIFs in a fresh way… GIFs can be large files and render slowly. We have a sophisticated search product already, so it was easy to get the Tumblr TV content right once we nailed down the experience.”
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