
The iPhone is the Top selling Phone in the world

Apple iPhone

It’s been years since we have seen iPhone to be number one until now. Once Samsung stepped into the market, they immediately captured the market with their Galaxy S and Notebook series, iPhone took some beating but recently they had sold 74.8 million phones worldwide which means that they are giving it 20.4% of the global market.

Samsung is behind with 19.9% of the market which is close but Apple had taken the top spot. In 2011, Apple bounced back in the last quarter, after that it was downhill for the iPhone makers. The sales of iPhone’s have been nothing short of epic, worldwide, 1.2 billion phones were sold in 2014 which is a 28% percent rise from last year.

The smart phone segment is now 2/3 of the global mobile phone market, while Apple is rising in the phone market; their stocks are also going up. Their breakthrough came when they had made a deal with the Giant China Mobile, the largest service provider in China. The deal was profitable as the sales in China had risen up to 70% last year.

This was an inroad of gigantic proportions and was thought to be impossible, this also lead to a severe price competition in China where brands like Xiaomi, Lenovo (LNVGF) and Huawei were forced to cut down prices and made their phones accessible for the general market.

Apple also launched the iPhone 6 faster and had made sure that there product was available in 130 countries worldwide. This strategy helped Apple in selling more phones while proving that Apple still has a few tricks up its sleeve.

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