iOS 9

iOS 9 Review: Most Future Looking Update From Apple In A Long Time!
If you were looking for iOS 9 review, you have come to the right place. It is Christmas for all Apple fans again. The latest iOS from Apple, iOS 9 was released recently and all Apple freaks have been busy updating their device to the latest OS. Have you updated

Apple unleashed iOS 9 beta 4 to developers and prevents users from leaving reviews on its App store
Earlier this month, Apple unleashed iOS 9 beta version for public and now, Apple unleashed iOS 9 beta 4 to developers. With this update users’ using beta version will be prevented from leaving reviews on its App Store. Why Apple is preventing users from leaving reviews on its App Store?

Highlights Of Apple’s New Mobile Operating System iOS 9 Unveiled At WWDC 2015
Apple announced the latest version of their mobile operating system iOS 9 at W.W.D.C. 2015. Apple said that the main objective of iOS 9 is to make your phone smarter by enhancing the features which already existed rather than introducing any new feature. For instance, Apple said that Siri is