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China ends the ban on the video game consoles
TechnologyVideo Games

China ends the ban on the video game consoles manufacturing and sales across the country, paving the way for foreign companies such as Microsoft and Sony to develop games in one of the largest video game markets in the world. When did China ban the video game consoles manufacturing and

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China Suspends New Financial Banking Cybersecurity Rules

The bank regulator of China suspended the new financial web security rules temporarily this week after comments and feedback from banks that showed practical challenges regarding the country’s long-term effort of cutting dependence on matters of entrenched foreign technology. Based in Reuter’s review of the notice issued, the country’s regulators

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China Hacker: Cyber Attack

A group which was backed up by the Chinese state was stealing information all around the world for the last 10 years and the group was undetected. The group was stealing information from foreign companies and journalists, this also includes military installations. FireEye, a US based cyber security company claims

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China Hacker: Cyber Attack

China is being accused of launching cyber-attacks on companies, government agencies, companies and journalists from all around the world. Recently, Intel was restricted by the United States government to not send its Xeon chips which were used in China’s Supercomputer. FireEye’s APAC CTO Bryce Boland says that they have yet

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China's Tianhe-2 Supercomputer

The US government has restricted Intel to help China building the world’s biggest supercomputer. The Tianhe-2 computer needs new chips which were supposed to be built Intel. Intel has applied for a license to build and export thousands of these chips to China but was restricted by the US as

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