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Star Fox Zero release has been delayed till 2016 for quality improvement

Star Fox Zero for Wii U was scheduled to release on November 20, just in time for the holiday season. But now, the Star Fox Zero release has been delayed till 2016 for quality improvement. It was one of Nintendo’s biggest games that were scheduled to be released in 2015 and after hearing the delay news many fans have been disappointed.

Star Fox Zero release has been delayed
Image Source: YouTube

The Star Fox Zero release has been delayed and Shigeru Miyamoto, Game producer explained it on Facebook:

“We have been developing Star Fox Zero for Wii U with the aim of releasing it this year. Although we felt that the development had been progressing well, we now believe that we will need a little more time to work on areas such as the unprecedented discovery that we want players to experience in the game by using two screens, and further polishing the level designs and perfecting the tone of the cut scenes.”

Mr. Shigeru added:

“While we have already reached the stage where it would be technically possible to release the title in time for the year-end holiday season, we want to polish the game a bit more so that players will be able to more smoothly grasp the new style of play that we are proposing. To the people looking forward to the launch of the game this holiday season, I am very sorry.”

Mr. Shigeru also said that the members of the development team are doing their best to provide enhanced gaming experience. The Star Fox Zero release has been delayed, but not for a very long time – The Company is aiming to release the game in Q1 2016.

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