
Small Items Get The “Free Shipping” Treatment From Amazon

Today, Amazon announced they are offering free shipping for “small and light” products weighing 8 ounces or less and are under $10

Amazon announced free shipping on small items
Amazon announced free shipping on small items

“Fulfillment by Amazon Small and Light” is the tagline Amazon is going with for all items that cost less than $10 and weight less than 8 ozs. Unlike past free shipping promotions, this one is open to anyone, not just Amazon Prime members. Just a simple 8oz or $10 rule. 

Tom Cook, Amazons spokesman was quoted as saying

The new program provides a cost effective way for sellers to offer low-cost items and for customers to get free shipping. It’s a win-win for customers and sellers – the new program costs sellers less to ship an item than it would if they were to do it through their own fulfillment network

Deliveries will come from Amazons Florence, Kentucky facility and will take four to eight business days to show up.

Although 8oz or $10 does not sound like a lot, there are actually thousands of eligible products that fall into this category, just be sure to look for the items weight before checking out.

This free shipping announcement comes on the heals of another big announcement when Amazon decided to offer free same-day delivery for over 1 million items for a good portion of the U.S.

The first announcement was part of a 13 week test to see how customers reacted to the offer and see how product sales were affected. What Amazon found was that items actually sold quicker when no minimum order was required.

Amazon manager Neil Ackerman was quoted as saying

Clients like that even if it’s a $5 thing, delivery is totally free for everyone, Top participant or otherwise

Up to this point, to get this type of bargain, you would need to be an Amazon Prime Member, which costs $99 per year for subscription.

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