Sharp has made the first 4k Smartphone Screen

The latest 4k smartphone screen made by sharp is capable of showing images in 4k. The screen is 5.5in (14cm) component packs in 806 pixels per inch. This puts Samsung in a difficult position as they have launched their flagship mobile phone, and by a long shot. Samsung’s galaxy S6 offers 577ppi on smaller display.
The high resolution will create crisper images and text but some experts think that the human has a limit to what it can appreciate because a particular point, the sizable improvement will get less gorgeous.
Experts say that even if someone has perfect vision, that person will find is difficult to tell the difference between 2k and 4k.
4K – which is also known as ultra-high definition – offers four times the resolution of 1080p HD.
Many projector and TV manufacturers are supporting the new format and they say that this is ideal for a 55inch or bigger screen.
The biggest problem that sharp is facing at the moment is battery life, the 4 screen will require more power and the normal mobile phone battery won’t be able to handle that load. However, sharp is using the Igzo (Indium gallium zinc oxide) tech, this is known to be efficient when compared with the silicon based LCD screen which are commonly used in smartphones.
Sharp says that smartphone makers would benefit from 4k screens for a number of reasons. The number one reason being marketing, sharp believes that China will be one of their first customers.
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