
Samsung Galaxy S5 Phone can be Hacked

Samsung Galaxy S5 Phone can be Hacked

According to reports, the Samsung Galaxy S5 can be unlocked as hackers can take copies of finger prints which are used to unlock the phone.

Experts say that this is a big flaw and hackers can easily steal personal information which they can use somewhere else. Smart phones with finger print id are not safe anymore and Samsung says that they are taking it very seriously and their team is trying to find a solution.

Almost every high end smart phone has the finger print id feature and people routinely use their phone to make financial transactions on online platforms like Paypal, Skrill and online banking. Due to the finger print id feature, many smart phone makers have removed the traditional but effective password system. Now Android phones carry sensitive user data making it a lucrative target for hackers to steal information from.

Hackers are not using a very complicated technique to hack the smart phone; instead they are simply accessing the memory of the smart phone which reveals the finger scan data. Once the hacker has this information, the hacker can then develop a fake lock screen that will unlock the smart phone. Victims will think that they are just swiping to unlock their phone but in reality, they are actually making a transaction.

Hackers can also upload their own finger prints as the device is unable to keep track. But Samsung says that this flaw will be dealt with and the latest Android, version 5.1.1 will not have these issues.

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