
Reel dating through photos became obsolete

With so many dating apps out there, it is very hard to do something new or different, but every now and then, one comes along that just stands from the crowd. Joaquin Grech, investor and serial entrepreneur, began looking at dating applications to realize that they all focused on static pictures to describe potential matches and decided to focus on videos instead.

“It’s not only that pictures could lie. The problem is that on a picture you can’t see the personality, heard the voice or notice all those subtle things you notice the first few seconds after you meet someone. A video allows you to see so much more. You can see the creative side of a person, his or her sense of humor, how they interact with others and so on. And almost everyone has uploaded videos to social networks already!”

Joaquin, decided to develop Reel to fill the gap. The beta launched on Valentine ’s Day. In a few hours it got hundredths of videos that people decided to share from their Vine, Facebook or Instagram accounts. Reel is opening to the public today. It can be downloaded at


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