TechnologyVideo Games

PlayStation Network down on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3

PlayStation Network was down on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 for a while in the past few days. Online games, video service and Playstation Store were being affected by the downtime. The PlayStation gamers were quite frustrated and took to social media to bring out their frustration.

Bungie confirmed on Twitter that there are some issues with the PSN and said “We are aware of the issues impacting those on PlayStation and their ability to connect to Destiny. Our team is currently investigating.”

Sony updated its PSN status page with the following information:

Gaming and Social (PS4, PS3)

“You may be experiencing issues related to launching games, applications, and/or social features such as trophies, messaging, or friends list. We appreciate your patience while we address this.”

PlayStation Video (PS4, PS3)

“You may be experiencing issues related accessing Video Unlimited content. We appreciate your patience while we address this.”

PlayStation Store (PS4, PS3)

“You may be experiencing issues related to features on PlayStation Store [including Purchase, Download, Search, Browse, and Redeem Voucher]. We appreciate your patience while we address this.”

PlayStation Network has gone offline many times for the past few weeks. The most terrible downtime for PlayStation Network was in 2011, which lasted for 23 days and the data of 77 million accounts were compromised. LizardSquad, the hacker group took responsibility for a denial of service attack in 2014 that caused PSN downtimes over the holidays.

PlayStation Network was down due to maintenance, Sony told users, but Sony never issued a warning regarding any decided maintenance, which makes their clarification doubtful. But for now, PSN is back online and PlayStation gamers can enjoy their leisure time playing their favorite games.

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