
Playing World of Warcraft Without a Subscription

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Blizzard is now thinking to introduce “freeplay” in their hit online game the world of Warcraft. Real money transactions might also take place.

Blizzard is going to be introducing “WoW tokens” which can be bought with real money for in-game gold for 30 days of game time. This is the first time that players can buy gold from Blizzard indirectly. Players can also use gold by playing more and players don’t have to buy game time other than the original purchase of the game.

The new change opens the possibility of renewed subscribers but it’s not completely free. Blizzard has been facing some issues with the number of subscribers. In recent years, there have been a decline but this new change may get the attention of new players.

The WoW tokens are made so that players can use it to cover their subscription cost. The token has not been introduced yet but will be in the next patch. Blizzard thinks that this is a great change and will allow players to play in a secure and fun to play system.

In 2011, an investigation done by Guardian revealed that camp prisoners in China were actually forced to play video games at night to collect gold and work in real mines in the morning. The prison wardens forced the labor workers to play games and there were about 300 prisoners who were working 12 hour shifts. Some of the prisoners said that the prison bosses were making around $500 every day.

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