
People Are Now Confused How to Acquire Apple Watch

People Are Now Confused How to Acquire Apple Watch

The latest product of Apple has already been announced. We all know it is the Apple Watch. Many people are really excited about it since last year. However, excitement has turned into confusion and disappointment as Apple keep on moving the launching date.

During the first announcement of Apple Watch, people already expected that the first launching of this irresistible device would be by spring 2015. Nonetheless, it did not happen. Instead, the launching date has been moved.

At first, Apple Watch was available for pre-order on Apple’s official website. Many people pre-ordered it. Nevertheless, when the order reached the limit, Apple removed the pre-order option from their website. Worse, there was a news sent that people had to wait another three months before their Apple Watch could be delivered.

Then, just this 24th of April 2015, Apple decided to launch Apple Watch in six fashion boutiques from different parts of the world – Berlin, London, Los Angeles, Milan, Paris and Tokyo. There will be Apple Watch in Apple stores for display. People can fit it but they cannot buy it. The decision of Apple to not sell the Watch in-store leave the people confused.

Now, how can people who are not from Berlin, London, Los Angeles, Milan, Paris and Tokyo get their Apple Watch? Everything would be a lot easier if the pre-order option in their website remained and if they decided to sell the device in-store.

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