Google Photos update will automatically curate your best photos into albums
Normally, when you go on a trip you click a lot of photos and shoot some videos. But, you don’t do much beyond posting a few pics on social media platforms. Isn’t it? You may even plan to create an album to share with your friends, but when it comes to

After Whatsapp, Facebook to end support for BlackBerry devices by the year end
Facebook is the most popular mobile app worldwide and has over 1.44 billion mobile monthly active users as of December 2015. Now, Facebook has decided to end stop support for the BlackBerry and BBOS platforms by the year end. This is another massive blow to Blackberry as last month WhatsApp

Apple’s Liam is a robot that tears down iPhones for recycling
Yesterday at Apple’s spring product launch, the company revealed a robot called Liam that has been designed to deconstruct iPhones so that its parts and materials can be reused or recycled. Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives – Lisa Jackson said at the company event that Apple

All you need to know about iPhone SE & 9.7-inch iPad Pro
Yesterday, Apple provided members of the press with hands-on time using the 9.7-inch iPad Pro and iPhone SE. They both look promising and we’re going to tell you about their specs and key features. Specs of iPhone SE It’s actually a cheaper and smaller option to iPhone 6s plus and

Security Flaw in Apple iMessage can let hackers steal your photos
A group of security researchers at John Hopkins University led by well-known cryptographer Matthew D. Green have discovered a security flaw in Apple’s encrypted iMessage service. The flaw can let hackers access private messages sent between individuals and even get access to photos and videos stored on Apple’s iCloud servers.

You need to update your Kindle by March 22 to stay connected
Do you use Amazon kindle, specifically the one from 2012 or earlier? If yes, then you need to read this news carefully. According to Amazon, you need to update your Kindle by 22 March to stay connected to the internet. If you’ll not update your Kindle, you’ll no longer be

Twitter to end support for TweetDeck Windows app from April 15
TweetDeck started in 2008 and was acquired by Twitter in 2011. Since then, it has been popular among users because of its dashboard-style approach to sort out a large number of feeds. Just after a day the company released updated Windows 10 app, Twitter has decided to end support for

Why Google wants to sell Boston Dynamics?
In December, 2013 Google acquired robotics lab – Boston Dynamics. After a little over two years, Google has decided to sell Boston Dynamics, according to a report by Bloomberg. Boston Dynamics has worked with the US military, DARPA, and several other firms on various robotics projects. The company has made

LastPass Authenticator: The 2-Factor Authentication App Launched
LastPass is well known company that works to keep your passwords safe. But, nowadays keeping only a password isn’t enough for security. This is the reason that many security services have employed 2-factor authentication to secure the user’s account. Now, LastPass Authenticator is the new 2-factor authentication app launched by

Apple loses legal battle against OpenTV over video streaming patents
According to a report by Reuters, Apple has lost a legal battle against OpenTV over video streaming patents. According to the ruling by the German court, Apple must not use streaming software infringing OpenTV’s patents in its devices sold in Germany, including iPads, iPhones and the Apple TV. Apple was