2K's Mafia III
Video Games

The die-hard fans of Mafia series are in for a delightful treat this October as 2K’s Mafia III will be launched on October 7, 2016. It’ll be released for Xbox One, PS4, and PC after April; though a specific release date has not been announced. Mafia series traces its origin

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Big Data – you’ve probably heard of the buzz-word a thousand times, and might even have read dozens of articles on how it’s the next big thing. This time, believe the hype; big data is already ‘really big’, and it’s helping retailers, both small and large, scale up to the

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360-Degree Live Streaming Videos on YouTube

Your dream of going to a basketball game or a concert to feel those experiences firsthand has come true. All thanks to the 360-degree live streaming videos on YouTube, which you can enjoy now anywhere and anytime. The icing on the cake is YouTube is rolling it out just in

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High tech mattress

Beware, all cheats between the sheets. Because a new high-tech mattress, aptly named – Smarttress claims to detect hanky-panky. And then informs the owner via a mobile app. Spanish mattress company Durmet, having failed at marketing its internet-connected mattress for babies, has come up with this adult-sized version. Its newest

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Who else could understand the needs of your electric actuator better if it is not you? Nowadays, you can buy various items that are ready made or opt just to assemble the parts and the fabrication required. Repairing or assembling your linear actuator is usually one of the most time

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new VR camera

This week’s National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) event in Las Vegas will see the unveiling of GoPro Omni, a new VR camera. The company will also launch a new VR platform for sharing immersive videos. Well, this doesn’t come up as a surprise in this tech-savvy age. Especially when the

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What gives you a thrill? A technical knockout, scoring the game winning goal, or a 360 slam dunk? Fortunate for mobile gamers, you won’t have to sit on the sidelines and just watch any longer. We’ve put together a list of gaming apps that will help you to enjoy your favorite sports, all without

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Bot on Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger has millions of users, and it’s quite clear at F8 that Facebook is looking for the ways to increase its user base abilities. On Tuesday, Facebook announced a number of additions to its popular messenger, including the ability for businesses to create bots. This is a small part

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open source machine learning TensorFlow

Google’s open source machine learning TensorFlow, which became the most popular project on GitHub, has added another feather to its cap with its new multi-server version of TensorFlow. TensorFlow Unleashed The most notable feature of this tool, which many TensorFlow users have been asking for since the tool made its

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How Pixar, Google, and Facebook Fight Bad Meetings – by Wrike project management software Infographic brought to you by Wrike online team collaboration software

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