Penguins Taste Sour and Salty Food Only
According to genetic studies, during evolution, flightless birds lost three out of five fundamental tastes long ago. In most animals taste is very critical for their survival, but this may not be the case in penguins, as they swallows fish as a whole, say researchers in China and US. Many

McCoy Home Health Gadget
A man in Illinois convinced some investors back in 2013 to invest an amount of over $25 million on a revolutionary medical device. Remember the tricorder from Star Trek? Well this product is being named after the irritable Dr. Leonard McCoy (Bones). That actually turned out to be a scam

New Realm of Physics: New Particles to be Discovered
When the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is restarted soon, it is hoped that new particles will be discovered which has excited scientists who believe that this will be a new milestone for the scientific community. Researchers at the LHC believe that any particle discovered this year would be a bigger

Droughts in America: New Developments
America may face droughts in the South-west region which the area has not seen for many centuries. Though these droughts are light as compared with the ones back in the 12th century but Scientists believe that the region may be effected by a Super-Drought in the near future. Studies suggest

No More Bonded Labor for Apple
Apple has banned bonded labor after an audit of factory conditions. They believe that the fee should not be paid by the employer but by the supplier. Apple started the audit after facing some criticism; the low wages earned by Apple workers was questioned. Apple’s senior vice-president of operations Jeff

Google’s Latest Health Feature
Google has recently introduced a new health feature which will help users find out about medical conditions. Apart from traditional links, this feature will give users complete medical illustrations and possible treatments. The service was developed with the help of doctors but the service itself is not a substitute for

Watson: IBM’s Super Computer Now Speaks Japanese
IBM’s supercomputer Watson is reaching new heights, yes he is learning Japanese, with that the supercomputer technology is being pushed to its limits extending its boundary. Watson became popular after an appearance on the famous TV show “jeopardy”. Softbank (a Japanese telecom heavyweight) has teamed up with IBM and is

Space Weather Satellite DSCOVR Launched
The tsunami buoy of space has been launched; the DSCOVR (Deep Space Climate Observatory) will be used to monitor the sun and space weather. The satellite was launched from a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Florida. The satellite will be able to give advanced warnings from sudden outbursts of solar

Europe’s IXV Spaceplane Returns to Earth
Europe’s prototype versatile spaceplane has returned to earth after a successful first test flight. The lifted off from the pad just after 13:40 GMT on board a Vega rocket from South America. The Spaceplane flew east around the earth before descending back down to earth and splashing into the Pacific

Acer’s Latest Gaming Laptop: The V15 Nitro
The gaming world is filled with compact dreams and BANK ACCOUNTS, top of the line gaming laptops can go over $2200 and many users may want to get the best with an affordable price. It seems that Acer has adopted this strategy to target these users with the V15 Nitro.