Future Shop

The Canadian subsidiary of the US consumer electronics chain Best buy is now closing. Future Shop is also owned by the US consumer electronics chain and they have announced they will be closing Future Shop but will replace it with Best Buy outlets. 65 out of its 131 stores will

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Marine Corps F-35 Lightning II Aircraft
Military TechTechnology

The Fighter plane F-35 had a software problem and engineers discovered that when the fighter flies in formation, there is a malfunction with target detection. At the moment, the Air Force has not given a date on when this malfunction will be corrected. The problem is with the sensors as

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Facebook Logo

On Thursday, Facebook gave an update on their ambitious solar powered drone. The unmanned vehicle which is solar powered and has the wingspan of a Boeing 767. Facebook has successfully tested their drone and this was explained by Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer during a conference in San Francisco. The

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Shock wave deflector patent
Military TechTechnology

A new cloaking device is in the process to be patented; this device will be able to protect soldiers from shock waves. It’s a shield of ionized air and it damps the force of a shock wave and bends it. The US Army has experienced much collateral damage due to

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Pluto and Moons
Air & SpaceScience

Many scientists think that there is a chance that Pluto might bounce back in the “planet arena” this year. Pluto may get the good news by the end of this year and now the SETI institute has even better news for all Pluto fans: The most renowned features of Pluto

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Facebook Messanger Logo

With more than 600 million users, Facebook has now allowed third party apps to add their own functions to the messenger. Now the chat application is transforming into a platform of its own and more than 40 new add-on apps have already been developed. There is a risk that Messenger

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Curiosity Rover on Mars
Air & SpaceScience

Nasa’s Curiosity rover discovered nitrogen in the surface of Mars. The rover’s internal lab detected oxidized nitrogen while it was analyzing rock and dust. Scientists believe that the nitrogen was released during the heating of the powders and the breakdown of nitrates. Researchers are saying that if the source of

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Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
Air & SpaceScience

The large Hadron Collider is facing a delay after the team spotted a short circuit within its large electromagnets. The LHC was supposed to start colliding protons together at higher velocities but the LHC is now facing a delay of several weeks, The LHC already took a break of two

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Twitch TV
TechnologyVideo Games

Amazon have advised their customers (who are playing Twitch) to change their passwords as they fear that the game has been hacked. Amazon released a statement saying that the names and telephone numbers of their clients might have been leaked and advised them to change their passwords as soon as

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Windows 10 Logo

Well, if you like desktops and laptops where you can install both Widows and Linux than you are in for a surprise because Microsoft has decided to make desktops and laptops which will only run on Windows 10. Users will not be able to use any other operating systems; In

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