China Hacker: Cyber Attack

China is being accused of launching cyber-attacks on companies, government agencies, companies and journalists from all around the world. Recently, Intel was restricted by the United States government to not send its Xeon chips which were used in China’s Supercomputer. FireEye’s APAC CTO Bryce Boland says that they have yet

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LinkedIn Elevate Analytics

LinkedIn is a large social media platform for professionals with more than 350 million users. It’s a regular hangout for business professionals, news and jobs. LinkedIn is now tapping into a new segment called social media management. The company is introducing a new mobile app that would suggest articles to

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Technology Helps Get Better Sleep (And Avoid Accidents)

People with lack of sleep, particularly those who only get six to seven hours per night are twice more likely to become involved in a car accident than those who sleep at least eight hours. And based on the same, people who only get four or five hours of sleep

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Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Pre Order

Samsung says that the S6 curved screen is tough to make. The new flagship mobile phones go on sale today but Samsung says that the S6 curved screen has a high demand and is difficult to keep up with. Though Samsung forecasts better interest in its more unoriginally designed S6

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Teachers Race with Students’ Technology

In Indiana, teachers are finding new methods to helping students learn better with computers. Recently, some schools started providing computers to each student to use, such as tablets and notebooks, aside from textbooks. Over the weekend, teachers became students themselves by spending time scouring computer screens, keyboarding and surfing, all

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Police: Credit Card Skimming Devices Harder to Spot

Authorities have been battling credit card skimmers in years, but claimed that criminals are getting harder and harder to beat (and spot). Recently, a skimming device was spotted inside a Lakeland gas station pump. According to police investigators, a card reader like it was also used at a SunTrust Bank

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Panelists: Technology Will Change How People Get Healthcare

Panelists claim technology to change the way people receive healthcare.  In 2013, Ed Buckley, a doctoral student at the University of Florida was a presenter/creator during the first ever One Spark Festival, but not on Wednesday. He was back in Jacksonville in another session of One Spark, but not as

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Earth Collision with sister Planet Theia
Air & Space

Scientists think that the Moon may have been formed by the collision between an object and the Earth, the object is considered to be similar to that of the Earth. This has opened up new possibilities for new theories on the formation of the Moon. The study is one of

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China's Tianhe-2 Supercomputer

The US government has restricted Intel to help China building the world’s biggest supercomputer. The Tianhe-2 computer needs new chips which were supposed to be built Intel. Intel has applied for a license to build and export thousands of these chips to China but was restricted by the US as

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AWS Machine Learning Platform

The senior vice president of Amazon Web Services, Andy Jassy announced the new machine learning platform at the AWS Summit in San Francisco. The new machine learning platform is designed to give developers, without a machine learning background, the tools to build data-driven smart apps that can monitor what is

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