Group Invites Women in STEM Careers

A group invites girls to discover science and technology careers. In Oshkosh, the UW Oshkosh and the American University Women are encouraging girls to become tech savvy.  The school had a special Saturday class in exploring in demand and high paying careers that women might have been overlooking. The Technology

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MIT Researchers Develop a Thumbnail Wearable

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers are into developing a miniature wireless track pad, wherein the wearable will be worn on a user’s thumbnail. This new technology aims at letting users control the wearable device even if their hands are full.  Some activities could be answering a phone call when

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Gameband + Minecraft
Video Games

Asus introduces an extra strong fitness tracker that is able to run longer with its 10-day battery life. This is the soon-to-be-released VivoWatch, a new wearable technology that looks more like a smart watch than a FitBit, for instance. Although not many details have been brought out, it appears to

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Technology to Predict Driving Errors Developed

Researchers at the Stanford and Cornell are promising new auto technology that predicts driving errors. Although many cars already have their cameras and sensors that can monitor and watch the surrounding vehicles and markings, the new system will also use a camera inside the automobile in order to monitor the

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China Suspends New Financial Banking Cybersecurity Rules

The bank regulator of China suspended the new financial web security rules temporarily this week after comments and feedback from banks that showed practical challenges regarding the country’s long-term effort of cutting dependence on matters of entrenched foreign technology. Based in Reuter’s review of the notice issued, the country’s regulators

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Miniature Rocket Engine Is the Future of Space Tech
Air & Space

Latest disruptive space technology might be a battery-operated rocket engine.  A defense research company based in New Zealand and the US, Rocket Lab has been exploiting the growing power of small batteries in developing a new rocket they are calling the ‘Electron’. The company said that it would spend $4.9M

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New Social Mobile Charging Community and Tech Launched

A company launches a cross-platform mobile device power sharing technology. Nipe Technology introduces a new system for sharing in cross platform devices, including iPad to tablet, android to iPhone and any other mobile device combination that can be charged quickly using the social mobile charging innovation. Some had tried and

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Mark Zuckerberg supports

The owner of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg supports the objectives of after many Indian companies stepped back from the project. Mr Zuckerberg said in a blog post that there is no incompatibility between net neutrality and the basic free services of; he also said that the web services are

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Japan Maglev Train Speed Record

The Maglev, a magnetic levitation train hit a record of 366mph. This is the fastest speed recorded in the history of magnetic trains. Constructed by the Central Japan Railway Company, they say that the seven-car train has successfully completed its testing phase on a trial track located in Yamanashi on

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Online Dating: League

This is an age of online dating and many people find it difficult to find the right mate. The league is a new app that lets users find their date through searching their niche. The league has a tagline “for people who hate dating apps, by people who hate dating

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