Facebook Unveiled Video Chat Function to Android and iOS Users

Facebook is now advancing. Just this Monday, it unveiled a brand new feature in 18 countries, which include the United States, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Canada, France, Oman, Mexico, Norway, Denmark, Ireland, Greece and Nigeria. This function now allows Facebook users on Android and iOS devices to start a video

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Let Us Now Say Goodbye to Google’s Nexus 7

Google’s Nexus 7 was one of the longstanding tablets in the market. Unfortunately, it is all in the past now simply because it is no longer available in the market. The device was first launched in the year 2013. However, just recently, it has been discontinued. The 7-inch Asus-made tablet

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People Are Now Confused How to Acquire Apple Watch

The latest product of Apple has already been announced. We all know it is the Apple Watch. Many people are really excited about it since last year. However, excitement has turned into confusion and disappointment as Apple keep on moving the launching date. During the first announcement of Apple Watch,

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How Do Poor People Pay to Use Free Facebook

We cannot deny that there are a lot of things that rich people have and poor people do not have. However, Facebook is one thing that both rich and poor people have. Rich people get access to Facebook by paying their internet connection. How about those poor people? Well, some

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Google and Facebook Offer Assistance for Nepal Survivors

Recently, Nepal was hit by a 6.7 magnitude earthquake. This is among the strongest earthquakes that hit land. Due to the high magnitude, Nepal suffered from damages and deaths. Though many people who have gone missing are already assumed dead, we still cannot deny the possibility of finding survivors. In

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When Will Lumia 840 Be Released in the Market?

The world has seen how Microsoft works hard in order to increase the number of entry-level models and lessen midrange models with a variety of mobile devices. Just last month (March 2015), we saw the launching of Lumia 640 and Lumia 640XL. After the unveiling of those two devices, the

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Did Google Release a Hint of Its Glass Headsets’ Future?

Google has always been among the top tech companies all over the world. No wonder why people are really looking forward to what they will offer next. Just recently, it seems like Google has hinted their forthcoming product as they have sent a mystery Bluetooth Low Energy or BLE device

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What Is the Major Flaw of Samsung Galaxy S5?

Some people think that some gadgets, including the overwhelming Samsung Galaxy S5 is already perfect. However, the truth is that all devices, whatever the brand is, are nothing close to perfection. There are still a lot of rooms for improvements. This forthcoming RSA San Francisco to be held in San

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Nokia Lumia 840: Will It Be a Replacement to Nokia Lumia 830?

It has been announced that in some countries, such as India, the Nokia Lumia 830 will soon be phased out as they will no longer restock once the model is already sold out. However, there will be a replacement for this model. It is none other than the Nokia Lumia

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Solitaire Is Making a Comeback on Windows 10
ComputersVideo Games

Can you remember the times when Clash of Clans, Sims Village and other popular games were not yet around? What was our cure for boredom back then? These are none other than the old yet classic computer games including Minesweeper and of course, Solitaire! Here’s good news for all of

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