Windows 10 to Boldly Support the ‘Middle Finger’ Emoji
Microsoft is going where Google and Apple don’t dare to go, and add the controversial “middle finger” emoji in its software platform. The “Flipping the bird” emoji has been seen since the mid of last year, which was included in the Unicode 7 update. But the “Reversed Hand with Middle

Is the Google Timeful App a Timely Addition?
Google added in their ranks its 4th to-do list app, Timeful, an app that is supposed to understand your schedule, needs, and even habits. Google added that it also works on your Calendar, Inbox, and other Google applications. The Timeful system makes sure that the user gets it done basing

How People Allow Devices to Completely Control Their Lives
Many people today are overwhelmed with the advancements in technology, spending a lot of money on things intertwine with one another, such as $500 wearables that tends to communicate with another $150 worth of Wi-Fi scales. Hence, many devices today seem to connect almost everything in life. This is what

Facebook Provides Free Internet in India, but Implements Restrictions
Recently, Facebook loosened its stranglehold on Internet.org, its free internet service that it provides in India, Tanzania, Colombia, Kenya, Ghana, and Zambia. This is by allowing access to any website free via the Internet.org service with a premise that these websites don’t use JavaScript, HTTPS, among other things. Facebook offers

What Awaits Twitter’s Fate After Quarterly Losses
On November 2013, Twitter went public through a successful IPO, selling 70M shares at 26 dollars per piece. However, that was below the public expectation as the public was only willing to pay $45.10 a share for the very first trade, valuing Twitter about $25B. Twitter has not fulfilled its

Watch Out for Nintendo’s Mayweather-Pacquiao Game Version
The “Fight of the Century” did not live up to the minds of many fans across the globe, expecting another version might come soon. From the opening round, Floyd Mayweather appeared to be strong and controlled the entire match. From then on, he was out to win, doing exactly what

PlayStation Now Membership to Reach Even Those Without Sony Consoles
On May 12, Sony’s PlayStation Now will reach PlayStation 3 users with more than 100 games to choose from. There are over 100 PS 3 games currently available to stream on the said service, but Sony has announced that more titles are coming, including Sanctum 2, F1 2014, Fat Princess,

Lenovo Has Released Lighter Weight Laptops Than the MacBook
Recently, Lenovo has released its latest super-svelte LaVie Z laptop that entices Windows fans. It is lightweight as the Apple 12-inch MacBook. Lenovo is offering the new addition to its laptop lineup in 2 versions – the LaVie Z 360 convertible and the standard LaVie Z. The new laptop weighs

Startups versus Google on Mobile Search
Google is now being challenged by various startups, however, only when it comes to mobile search. Many believe that the company is very powerful and very difficult to compete against regarding its search business. Bobby Lo, founder of a start-up called “Vurb” is into a new type of search engine

PC, Mobile Phone, and Other Device Users to Watch Out for Windows 10
Microsoft Corporation is following a similar move to its Windows 8.1 as the company’s launch of Windows 10 this summer will not be limited to PCs since the operating system will also debut on mobile platforms. At a conference in San Francisco, Joe Belfiore, Microsoft’s corporate VP of the operating