What Is the Latest News About Apple Products?

Apple Loop is on standby to remind the people of the most important news regarding Apple. As we can all notice, there are a lot of news about Apple these days. We can’t blame it as the company is on the stage of unveiling attractive and exciting devices. The issues

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What Are the Latest News About Android Devices?

It is an undeniable fact that Android is one of the most popular operating systems all over the world. Considering the number of Android users, there is no doubt that many people will be very interested to know the latest news about Android. Among the most controversial news about Android

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Pentagon Wants to Use Mesh Networking Technology
Military Tech

There is no way to deny that we would be in trouble if all mobile phone towers in the United States combusted. This scenario is the reason why the Pentagon is looking for another possible way to communicate during the time of emergencies. One of the best ideas as of

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CHIP: Introducing the Small but Terrible Computer

In the last few years, Raspberry Pi has become very popular. For those who do not know it, it is the credit card-sized computer that is known to be very affordable. Its cheap price tag makes it unsurprising to know that it is very in demand. Nonetheless, how will you

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Algorithm Only Slightly Affects the News You Can See on Your Timeline

Facebook said that it does not sort out your newsfeed that much. The social media site conducted a study with its most political users (about 10 million political Facebook users). Their study found out that while it is true that Facebook’s algorithm impacts what kinds of news you see in

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How Nintendo Managed to Be Successful With Amiibos?
Video Games

It might be shocking news to everyone, but Nintendo managed to ship more or less 10.5 million amiibos units. The company already announced it, thus, making this information official. The reason why many people would be shocked with the news is due to the fact that the company reported low

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Is It Still Recommended to Get Media Centre PC?

Many people think that Media Centre PC is definitely the best thing on Earth as of the moment. What these people do not know is that it also has its major downsides. People who are admiring Media Centre PC can’t be blamed. Well, there is enough reason for someone to

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Why Microsoft Chose to Release Windows 10 and Not Windows 9?

Microsoft Corporation announced that it will unveil Microsoft 10 in the future. It is also expected that the new version of Microsoft will first debut this summer. Though it is true that many people are happy and excited about the company’s announcement, it is undeniable that there are also many

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Microsoft: To Have Another Demo of HoloLens Headset

Microsoft made another vow to the media and the developers to have another demo of its brand new product – it is none other than the HoloLens headset. Many people still do not know what HoloLens is. Only those who are really following the latest news on the tech industry

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When Will Samsung Officially Launch Its First Round Smartwatch?

It is expected that Samsung will soon launch Gear A, which is the firm’s first round smartwatch in history. It is said to be released alongside with Samsung Galaxy Note 5 in the later part of this year. While it is true that Samsung never gave any detail as to

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