Googles New ‘My Account’ Makes Big Promises
Google announced today the launch of their new ‘My Account’ dashboard, allowing for better privacy and security controls, while also making it easier for users to control their settings for these things. As Googles blog states: Today, we’re rolling out two significant improvements to our privacy and security tools: a new hub

Slave Ship Artifacts Found In Ship Wrecked Off South Africa
(main photo) Susanna Pershern/Courtesy of U.S. National Parks Service Divers find interesting artifacts in ancient slave ship found in Africa – soon to be unveiled in Cape Town Recovered form the dive site are things such as the iron bars (pictured above) that were once used as ballast on the slave

Open-Source Cyborg Hands Are Becoming A Reality
Prosthetic limbs are heavy, clunky and are becoming obsolete, thanks to companies like HACKberry. HACKberry was spawned from a Japanese company named exii. They have built one of the first bionic arms that not only looks cool and functions well, but offers the source code to their products absolutely free. Coming in at

Planetary Society Rejoices as Communications With LightSail Spacecraft Established
The Planetary Society breathes a sigh of relief as communications are made with silent LightSail Spacecraft #LIGHTSAIL IS BACK! More to come. Our #LightSail reporter @jasonrdavis has live updates. High five, everyone! https://t.co/jkxgkIKIMd — Planetary Society (@exploreplanets) May 31, 2015 Good news for Bill Nye and the Planetary Society as

Is The Volvo Self-Parking Car For Real?
You may be thinking that should such a car exist that it will look like something from another planet. That is of course until you see the actual Volvo Self-Parking Driverless Car. Don’t rush out quite yet to your local dealer to put your order in, as it isn’t expected

iPhones Can Have A Meltdown From Strange New Bug
iPhones have had a few small issues over the years. Between user hands blocking the antenna to a single line of text reportedly locking up phones. New reports are out that when a specific text is sent to an iPhone can cause it to crash and reboot, occasionally still blocking

PirateBay domain seized By Authorities
The infamous piratebay domain name ending with the .es extension has been seized and ownership handed over to the Swedish state. Fredrik Neij was the previous owner of the domain and co-founder of the piratebay website. PirateBay is a torrent search website which allows people to search for and download

Blizzard Suspends Thousands of World of Warcraft Accounts
Recently there have been an increasing number of World of Warcraft accounts using Bots to automate the game play. This is against Blizzards Terms of Use for playing World of Warcraft. So what has Blizzard done about the problem? They have wielded the ban hammer and suspended thousands of accounts

Will There Be an Arrival of iTunes Streaming Service Next Month?
iOS 8.4 beta, the latest iOS update of Apple, is now available. This newly released iOS version continues the legacy of previous iOS updates to bring improved music app, which brings both UI and function changes to its music playback application. With the revamped music app, many people are speculating

Will iPhone 7 Be the Samsung Galaxy S6 Killer?
It is undeniable that iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are now considered to be among the most in demand mobile handsets today. Nonetheless, we also cannot argue the fact that Samsung Galaxy S6 is now stealing the spotlight away from iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The Galaxy S6