Want To Own A 24-karat Gold HTC One M9?
HTC announced that they plan to give away a limited edition 24-karat Gold HTC One M9 tomorrow Only one of these precious 24-karat Gold HTC One M9’s have been made and HTC plans to give it away to the winner of its Golden Ticket competition. The limited edition phone was made in honor of

Google Teams With Adobe To Fix Chrome Battery Life By Automatically Pausing Flash Content
Google and Adobe have collaborated to bring a new feature to its Chrome desktop to reduce the Chrome’s battery utilization by eliminating the unnecessary Flash content which used to play automatically earlier. This feature will help cut down the battery usage for those who are doing some heavy browsing on

Facebook Lite For Android Users Officially Roll-out In Asia
Facebook has released the ‘Lite’ version of its application today that was customized for people who are using Android smartphones. The app was created especially for those places where wireless data bandwidth is very less. The company said that the Facebook Lite version was developed to use less data and

Official Announcement From Konami on ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist’ for PS4
Konami officially announces Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist for PS4 Confirmation came today from Konami about a new ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist’ to be released on the PS4 and Xbox One for $19.99. Konami’s official statement (after some previously leaked information) read: Enter the Duelist Simulator to take your place among the finest

NASA Looking To Cell Phone Companies For Help Tracking Drones
The Guardian had revealed documents containing information showing NASA is interested in working with cell phone companies to help track their drones. In addition to cell phone towers, NASA is looking to also use radar and satellites to track their drones for both civilian and commercial purposes. Although they are just

Dish Network In Talks To Merge With T-Mobile
Dish Network– The second-largest Satellite broadcaster is in talks to merge with fourth-largest wireless carrier T-Mobile US Inc. According to the sources the companies have agreed to the following structure with T-Mobile leader John Legere serving as CEO for the two companies and Dish CEO Charlie Ergen taking over as Chairman.

World’s Largest Telescope: Giant Magellan Telescope Is One Step Closer To Being Built
The construction of the world’s largest optical telescope (GMT) has moved one step closer today, with the funding worth US$500 million committed from 11 international partners. The Giant Magellan Telescope, when fully operational will look further into space and further back in time than any telescope ever constructed. Astronomy Australia

“The Largest Cleanup In History” Devised By A 20-Year-Old
Boyan Slat leads the way with a plan for the ocean to clean itself Boyan Slat is a Dutch man, barely out of his teens, with an ambitions plan to cut in half the plastic debris floating in the Pacific over the next ten years. Instead of going from beach to beach picking up

Pluto’s Moons Are Not What Astronomers Expected
photo via NASA/ESA/M. SHOWALTER (SETI)/G. BACON (STSCI) As with most things in the universe, we have come to expect the unexpected. Pluto’s moons are no exception. The Hubble Space Telescope has sent back amazing images of two of Pluto’s moons, Nix and Hydra, which shows that they are in a constant state of

NASA Flying Saucer Launch Grouded
photo credit: NASA flying saucer test flight preparations. NASA Hawaii – Thanks again to turbulent ocean conditions, NASAs “Flying Saucer”, otherwise known as the Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD), will be rescheduled for a June 4th launch date. Although the saucer will be dropped from high-up in a weather balloon, calmer waves are