Recon Instruments

Canadian smart eyewear maker Recon Instruments has been acquired by Intel in a bid to further bolster its position in the wearable’s market. Recon Instruments is the award winning technology company behind the world’s first consumer Heads up Displays for sports. Recon Instruments makes two products Recon Jet which is

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ello Mobile app

Ello is the ad-free social network that attracted a lot of attention last year when thousands of internet users started signing up for their website. It was seen as an alternative to other social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, but there were two main factors which limited their adoption,

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Google Trends Gets Updated

The Search Engine Giant, Google has updated Google Trends to provide real time search data so that users can explore minute-by-minute snapshot of what the world is searching for. It is said to be the “biggest expansion of Google Trends since 2012” when the company merged Search Insights into Trends.

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Nest Cam

Nest Labs, the home automation company acquired by Google last year for $3.2 billion, has unveiled its latest Internet-connected home security camera called Nest Cam, for smart homes along with a cloud based subscription service (Nest Aware) that will let you save 10 to 30 days of continuous video footage

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Microsoft Ties Up With Snapdeal

Microsoft ties up with India’s ecommerce major Snapdeal to launch their branded online store, which will include the full range of Microsoft’s products, including software, tablets, phones and PCs. Tony Navin, Snapdeal’s Senior Vice President of Electronics and Home said in a statement “We are pleased to be partnering with

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Skype for Web

Skype for web (beta) is now available worldwide, earlier this month it was launched in the U.K. and U.S. Users can now make calls on Skype directly from the web without app installation, but users will still need to install a plug-in for making calls like in hangouts. To make

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Facebook Moments App

Facebook, The Social Networking Giant introduced a new app called “Moments App” to quickly share your photos privately. Syncing photos with the Moments App lets you easily share your photos privately with friends that are in them and similarly you can get access to photos taken by them. Will Ruben,

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Twitter Autoplay

Twitter announced that they will be rolling out Autoplay Videos running on its platform on the web and on iOS from today, but Android users will have to wait for a while for this update. When users scroll down their Twitter feeds and see a video, it will automatically begin

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Sony E3 2015
TechnologyVideo Games

Sony has surprised audiences by making some important announcements at E3 2015 event by revealing The Last Guardian release date, Final Fantasy VII remake, the new Call of Duty and has also announced a lengthy list of games other than mentioned above, including a title for it upcoming VR headset.

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Are you planning to go a new restaurant that you have never visited before and are not familiar with the way? Don’t worry, use Google Maps to help navigate yourself there. Upon reaching your destination, you’ll see that it’s closed because either it’s too late or today’s their day off.

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