
Other Operating Systems Unusable on Windows 10 Devices

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Well, if you like desktops and laptops where you can install both Widows and Linux than you are in for a surprise because Microsoft has decided to make desktops and laptops which will only run on Windows 10. Users will not be able to use any other operating systems; In fact it will be impossible. This was confirmed in conference in China earlier this month.

Microsoft is calling this new feature “secure boot” and the reason for this new feature is protection. The hardware gets locked with the software and restricts any other software that tries to merge with the hardware. For example, a low level malware won’t be able to penetrate the hardware. With a malware, the system will not start up. The secure boot option will not be an option anymore; it will be a mandatory feature in Windows 8.

Microsoft is also talking with desktop and laptop manufacturers to configure their products so that they would only work with Windows 10. At the moment, we are not sure that this will be the case but there is a possibility that Microsoft will come up with a different strategy because this will limit their market to Windows users and people who like to install Linux on their desktops and laptops won’t be interested in those products anymore.

But users will still have the option of customizing their own PC. Let’s see what Microsoft have up their sleeves this time.

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