BusinessWorld News

Nomura selected as component of Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes

Building on its record of leading sustainability performance in the transportation sector, CSX was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for North America for the fifth consecutive year.

Nomura will fulfill its social responsibilities as a corporate citizen and strive to contribute toward an affluent society and sustainable economic development. This is the fourth consecutive year that Hershey has been included in the North America Index and the third year Hershey has been named to the World Index. Created in 1999, the DJSI is the first global index to provide complex benchmarks for measuring corporate sustainability.

“Maintainability aides all that we do, from making inventive arrangements that assist de-with carbonizing our reality and make esteem for clients, to enhancing the manageability we could call our own assembling processes,”said Kevin McKnight, Alcoa’s Chief Sustainability Officer and Vice President of Environment, Health and Safety”. CN leads the North American rail industry in fuel efficiency, consuming 15 per cent less fuel per gross-ton-mile overall than our peers.

CN’s sustainability achievements are also marked by its ongoing commitment to its “EcoConnexions – From the Ground Up” program, which since 2012 has sponsored tree-planting projects in 85 communities.

The DJSI, launched by financial information provider Dow Jones and Switzerland investment firm Robeco SAM, evaluates the sustainability performance of the largest 2,500 global companies by market cap, measuring their socioeconomic and environmental impact. Companies are only listed in the annual ranking if they are best in class within their industry for sustainability.

In all, 20 categories in the areas of economic, environmental and social performance were assessed, with topics such as customer focus, innovation management and compliance coming under as much scrutiny as climate protection, product stewardship and labour practices. The DJSI enable investors to integrate sustainability considerations into their portfolios while providing an effective engagement platform for encouraging companies to adopt sustainable best practices.

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