
Nokia Aspires to Make Driverless Cars a Reality

Nokia HD Maps

Nokia’s “Here True” cars maybe the future of the car industries and the way people travel. Nokia aims to achieve this by making the next generation 3D maps through “reality mapping.” Nokia believes that this could be the next big business for them and would serve it well for the next decade or so.

The detailed 3D maps will be able to guide the driverless cars from taking corners and the speed. The True Here cars are customized with a blue paint and sensors on their roof. The car has cameras to capture 360-degree images and also has a GPS which records the position of the car. The system is very accurate, down to an inch.

Once the driverless cars are on the road, they may need a little more help. Computers and cameras would not be able to replicate human driving, the programming is clever and Nokia is hopeful that they might replace the human element completely but at the moment, the vehicle needs a variety and high volume of data. The functionality of the vehicle is completely dependent on the data.

Nokia was known as the reliable cell phone company, the competition in the cell phone industry forced them to sell majority of their business to Microsoft in 2013. The deal was for $7 billion, presently, Nokia is focusing on Maps, Ip Licensing and mobile broadband.

Nokia is also working with other companies who are in the same business; it seems that many other companies are interested in driverless cars and it may turn out to be a great investment.

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