Nate Silver: Donald Trump More Likely Nominee Than Bernie Sanders
Lest anyone think Warren was tipping her hand in the primary-where she hasn’t endorsed a candidate-she added she was glad that “ALL” the party’s candidates, including Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley, “are fighting for Wall St reform”.
It was also an opportunity for Sanders to contrast himself with Clinton, who has been accused of having a cozy relationship with Wall Street. “But your choice in the caucus really matters”. It’s one of the largest gatherings before Nevada’s presidential caucuses on February 20.
Clinton, meanwhile, has been toeing the line as a seasoned politician would, attempting to appeal to the entire spectrum of Democratic voters by rebranding herself not as a moderate but as a “practical progressive” who is “able to get things done”.
Jason Winter wears a sweatshirt to show his support for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at a rally at the Orpheum Theatre, Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016, in Sioux City, Iowa.
“Maybe Secretary Clinton should apologize for attacking the president in 2008 because he was too strong on gun control”, Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said in a statement.
Sanders deadpanned, “Well, we are taking on the establishment, and I think it is fair to say I’m not the candidate of the establishment”. “But let me be very clear: That result will not happen with establishment politics and establishment economics”. Currently, 46% of likely Democratic primary voters support the former First Lady and U.S. Senator, while 35% are backing Sanders.
The email closes by claiming the money they have is already allocated elsewhere and implores supporters to “chip in” more.
However, O’Malley, despite a more polished speech than past Democratic events, was largely an afterthought. Speaking for the Sanders campaign, Weaver said the gun dispute was an effort to turn the focus away from other issues.
The audience was largely made up of decided voters.
“Now, my opponent, Secretary Clinton says that Glass-Steagall would not have prevented the financial crisis because shadow banks like AIG and Lehman Brothers, not big commercial banks, were the real culprits”.
A Bernie Sanders, Independent run for President is not something that gets talked about much among Democrats or the mainstream media, beyond this one piece from the Guardian.
The Field Poll, released Wednesday, reflects Clinton’s advantage in Iowa and national polls, though some surveys put her behind the Vermont senator in the early nominating state of New Hampshire.
“I have a long record and I have been on the forefront of change for decades”, Clinton said. “Think hard about the people who are presenting themselves to you, their experience, their qualifications, their positions, but particularly for those of us who are Democrats, their electability”.
And when asked by CNN on Wednesday – before his dinner speech – whether he is more electable than Clinton, the senator bluntly said, “Yes”, before explaining how he polls better than Clinton in certain head to head polls.
“We can’t take anything for granted”, Clinton said Monday night at Des Moines’ State Historical Museum, a replica of a massive wooly mammoth looming off to the side as she spoke.
Bernie Sanders speaks in Las Vegas. The collapse of all three firms precipitated the free-fall that led to a $700 billion bank bailout passed by Congress. In a lengthy financial-reform plan Clinton unveiled in October, she called for strengthening regulations and reporting requirements on these companies to lessen the risk of another “too-big-to-fail”-type economic spiral”.
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