
Meet “Pager” – the Neat Little Hack for Facebook Pages

Meet “Pager” – the Neat Little Hack for Facebook Pages

During the 24-hour Disrupt NY Hackathon, 3 engineers were able to develop “Pager”, a neat little hack, turning Facebook pages into more traditional websites and ideal for small business. Previously, the engineers have worked alongside restaurant owners to work on complex tasks such as updating the owner’s WordPress websites.

Facebook pages today allow people and staff to post pictures and events, and post on walls. Pager will allow small businesses to manage their Facebook pages easily and more conveniently. Business owners do not have much time for these complex tasks, but with a simple set-up process, Pager will run smoothly with 4 sorted categories, including About, News, Events and Galleries.

The “About” page tends to present the contact info of the business and its operating hours. The “News” page, on the other hand, is able to display wall posts, while the Events and Galleries categories are self-explanatory.

Although not everything is working completely, the team was able to implement fundamental codes that would leverage the Facebook API. Alex Ilea, one of the engineers said they were very productive during the first hours of the Hackathon, but everything seemed harder towards the latter part.

Ilea worked hand-in-hand with partners Darrel-Day Guerrero and Anton Shevchenko, and knew one another even before joining the Hackathon project. Thus, there’s a big chance that the engineers will be iterating on their project even after today.

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