
Let Us Now Say Goodbye to Google’s Nexus 7

Let Us Now Say Goodbye to Google’s Nexus 7

Google’s Nexus 7 was one of the longstanding tablets in the market. Unfortunately, it is all in the past now simply because it is no longer available in the market. The device was first launched in the year 2013. However, just recently, it has been discontinued.

The 7-inch Asus-made tablet is loved and adored by many people because it has great quality and it is very affordable. Unlike other brands of tablets, this one does not attract customers or buyers because of its expensiveness. As a matter of fact, its affordability is one of the many factors that contribute to its strong sales performance.

Nexus 7 remained to be one of the in demand tablets in the market even when it is quite an old model because Google made sure to keep on updating the device with the latest Android versions. This is the reason why it was considered to be an attractive device to the consumers.

If you are going to search for Nexus 7 on Google Store, you will only see a note that states “no longer available for purchase.” Some fans might be sad about this. However, you do not really have to be really disappointed. Why? It is because the Nexus 7 will be replaced with a better tablet. It is none other than Google’s Nexus 9.

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