Kuvee Launched The World’s First Smart Wine Bottle

Yesterday, Kuvee – the Boston-based winery startup announced that it managed to get a $6 million investment led by Founder Collective and General Catalyst. Kuvee launched the world’s first smart wine bottle that will keep your wine fresh for 30 days.
The Boston-based startup company’s system works as a wine dispenser that will not let oxygen to enter your wine bottle. Due to this the removable bottles will stay fresh for 30 days and the company ensures that your last glass of wine will taste as great as your first.

Kuvee’s smart wine bottle has a touchscreen
The smart wine bottle by Kuvee comes with a touchscreen that recognizes the wine it’s pouring when you insert a canister of wine into it. The screen will display the relevant information about that wine, including the vineyard it came from and food pairings with that wine.
Kuvee’s smart wine bottle collects all this information from the company servers via an onboard WiFi connection. Vijay Manwani, co-founder of Kuvee said that the system will soon offer a Netflix-like recommendation engine, suggesting similar wines that you might enjoy.
Moreover, you can directly order wines through the bottle’s touchscreen.
Who’s the target audience?
The target audience of the Boston-based wine startup company is the uncommitted or indecisive people who like to try different types of wine in one sitting rather than finish a whole bottle. It’s also for the people who just have a thirst for 1-2 glasses of wine at a time (Just like me).
Price and delivery of Kuvee’s smart bottles
You can preorder your Kuvee bottles at Indiegogo, starting from $199. The $179 super early bird offer has already been sold out. The Kuvee kit will be sold for $349 in retail, including four different wine choices and the smart bottle.
The company will start shipping to Massachusetts and California in October. The shipping in the rest of the states will start from December or early 2017.
Initial vineyard partners of the company include Schug, Round Pond, Pine Ridge, Girard, B.R. Cohn and Bonny Doon. By the time the company will start shipping in October, “You’ll be able to choose from at least 48 different yet delicious wines ranging from bold reds to fragrant whites.”
According to me, the only shortcoming of Kuvee smart wine bottle is the limited range of wines. Your favorite wine brand may not be included in the list.
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