
KickassTPB Meta Torrent Search Engine Taking Over The Torrent World

KickassTPB launched a meta torrent search engine which aggregates torrents from top torrent providers. It offers an advanced search which is currently unavailable on the torrent tracker websites.


It crawls the major trackers, and adds the torrent to its database with the file hash acting as the primary key, to uniquely identify the torrents. It allows the results to be sorted according to seeds, peers and the number of downloads. is compliant with the DMCA law, it removes copyrighted content when intimidated through a valid DMCA request, unlike it’s counterparts which fail to do so. “We, the core team are bringing you the next step in torrent evolution that is both legitimate and user friendly. We created a torrent search engine that both indexes the latest torrents and is DMCA compliant”, Jamal Khan (UI Designer) says.

KickassTPB provides both the link to the .torrent file and the magnet URL and provides useful information including seeds, peers and number of downloads. The website application is hosted on the cloud behind a Cloudflare CDN to maintain maximum possible up time and protect user privacy.

The content delivery network creates a local copy of the web application across servers spread globally, and a copy of the website is served from the location closest to the user request. It also offers access through the HTTPS socket that carries on transactions between the user and the server through a SSL certificate, it enhances privacy and adds legitimacy to the website.

The creators have made use of Javascript and Image minification to decrease page load time. The site is accessible from both desktop and mobile devices and can be best viewed using Google Chrome, Firefox and IE.

You can search for and download the latest legitimate torrents from and top torrents from the categories link in the navigation bar.

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