
John Krafcik is the new CEO of Google self driving car project

Yesterday, the search engine giant announced John Krafcik as the new CEO of Google self driving car project. This shows that Google is prepping to turn this technology into a business.

John Krafcik is the new CEO of Google self driving car project

Who is John Krafcik?

Mr. John Krafcik, who will be joining as the new CEO of Google self driving car project is a mechanical engineer with a business degree. He has worked at Ford Motor from 1990 to 2004, where he held some product-development leadership positions. He has also worked at Hyundai Motor for a decade, where he was President and CEO of the U.S. business for five years. During his tenure at Hyundai, the company saw record sales and its market share in the U.S. rose to a great extent. Recently, he was working as the president of TrueCar, a car pricing service.

A Google spokeswoman said regarding the new CEO of Google self driving car project:

“We’re feeling good about our progress, so now we’re investing in building out a team that can help us bring this technology to its full potential. John’s combination of technical expertise and auto-industry experience will be particularly valuable as we collaborate with many different partners to achieve our goal.”

John Krafcik is the new CEO of Google self driving car project
Image Source: Youtube

John Krafcik said in a statement:

“This is a great opportunity to help Google develop the enormous potential of self-driving cars. This technology can save thousands of lives, give millions of people greater mobility and free us from a lot of the things we find frustrating about driving today. I can’t wait to get started.”

He also tweeted:

John Krafcik will be joining as the new CEO of Google self driving car project late September. While Chris Urmson, the former head of the project, will be leading the technical development of the self driving vehicles and software. This project is still part of “Google X lab” and is certainly a good candidate to become its own Alphabet Company at some point, said the search giant’s officials.

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