iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus: Will These Be Released Next?

As of the moment, there is still no detail regarding iPhone 7. Though there is still no official information regarding the next flagship of Apple, it is already expected that rumors will always surface and resurface until the final release of the device in the market.

One of the many rumors surfacing right now is that the iPhone 7 will steal some important features from Apple Watch. Though Apple Watch is considered to be a wrist-fitting iPhone, there is no way to deny that it is also totally completely different from an iPhone device.

Force Touch is one thing that Apple 7 will steal from Apple Watch. Though it is not yet confirmed, many people strongly believe this because considering how this feature is also available for the USB-C Macbooks, it is impossible for Apple not to include this kind of feature to its future flagship smartphone.

One rumor regarding the iPhone 7 is that there won’t be a release of an improved version of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Instead, Apple will jump into developing and introducing iPhone 7 into the market.

Just like how there is iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, it is already anticipated that there will be iPhone 7 and of course, iPhone 7 Plus. As early as now, people are already too excited to know the features of this forthcoming smartphone.

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