This is just incredible! Amazon launches Dash Buttons for prime members

Amazon Dash Buttons are going to be life changing! Imagine you are suddenly out of washing powder. Don’t you think it’s too cumbersome to go online (let alone go all the way to a store!), open Amazon, search for the brand of your choice, click on ‘add to cart’ and go through the hassle of online payment?
Wouldn’t it be so neat if your washing powder arrived at your doorstep with just a click of a button? And no, not on your smart phone! That button will be present exactly where you keep your washing powder! Thinking how this is going to work?
Amazon has come up with a life altering invention – the Amazon Dash Button!
All you need to do is press the Dash Button and voilà! Washing powder at your doorstep! These $5 buttons lie dormant until you press them. Pressing the button activates them and connects them to your wifi.
The guy to thank here is Ted Benson, a PhD from MIT CSAIL and co-founder and CTO of Cloudstitch.
The Amazon Dash Button currently works with :
Bounty, Tide, Cottonelle, Huggies, Glad, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, Gatorade, L’Oreal, Amazon Baby Wipes, Gillette, Maxwell Coffee, Smartwater, Wellness Petfood, Olay, Gerber Formula, Izze, Clorox Wipes and Larabar.
Remember though! Amazon Dash Buttons are available exclusively for the prime members of Amazon. Check out their cool video showing how Amazon Dash Buttons work :
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