Tech Bits

How to Create Your Own Money Making Website

The blueprint for building a money making website is actually easier than you might imagine.

Online ad spending is on its way to exceed $145 billion globally, meaning there are many people becoming rich!

Now just imagine capturing a tiny fraction of that amount for yourself! Would it not be possible for you to quit your “9-5 job,” travel around the world, and basically, live a millionaire lifestyle while you’re still young?

If you want to grab that tiny fraction of online spending, we have some tips to share with you.

How to create your own website and make money:

1) Define your goals

Your “primary” goal should be attracting investors (in the form of advertisers) to your website, which will help realize your financial goals. Think about what advertisers might be looking for in an advertising avenue such as your website.

Usually, they are looking for a website where many potential buyers with decent income frequently visit and might be interested to products that are relevant to the content on your site.

You then want to build a site to attract and keep those visitors. The longer these visitors stay in your site, the more likely they will click on the advertiser’s links.

2) Find a niche/market

In order to generate more traffic, and hence the more revenue, you need to be very selective in your target market. Recent studies prove that young people are more optimistic and adventurous, and hence, they will click on the links on your site more readily.

Search for the website ideas that appeals to this target market. Include the current year in your searches to avoid searching for what was “hot” and “trendy” in 2006. For example, searching the Google for “website ideas 2015” will display over tens of thousands of results.

From there, it is just a matter of selecting through to find the best ideas that appeal you the most.

3) Register a domain and a host

In the early 2000s, you could create a business name and find a matching domain name. However, these days, getting an exact match domain name for your business name have become almost impossible!

That is why you need be little bit creative while searching for an exact match domain names. Try placing hyphens, prefixes, or suffixes in your business names. While you may not find “,” try something like “”, or “”.

Next, find a web hosting company.

Many domain-registering companies also offer web-hosting services. The best web hosting services are Hostgator and Godaddy as they offer unlimited storage, have excellent online customer support, and very easy to setup and you’re your websites, starting now.

Once you have your own hosting, build your own site. Building your own site gives you more flexibility in terms of design and customizations.

Alternatively, you can sign up for Blogger (from Google) or WordPress. Both services are free for you to use, however, they will only let you place your site name in front of their service name (e.g.

In addition to free space, their themes also make your site look visually attractive. However, you will have to purchase their ’premium’ version (paid version) before you can do any serious customization.

See our article on: Hostgator or Godaddy – Which is Better?

4) Build your site

Build your site using the templates provided, using your own design, or hiring a designer. What you will do will entirely depend on the market you want to attract.

No matter which market your choose, whether you are offering a service, like “John Doe’s Pool Pump Repair,” or a web-centric site like “Katie’s Cooking Recipes,” the goal is to keep your audience on your site.

That means the content of the site will play a major role here, as it usually does.

For example, if you are offering a service, you could posts content related to your expertise. A pool-pump repair site may have articles on pool pump types, best pool pumps reviews, how to set up swimming pool pump, or FAQ section about all those little sounds a pool pump might make.

Katie could post, along with recipes, information such as different types of flours, kitchen disasters and successes, among other things. In both instances, if you go beyond the basics, it will give your visitors enough reasons to stick around, and click on ads!

5) Keep your site fresh

Do not post few articles once week and forget about it. Your site is your income stream, so treat it as your job – either part- or full-time job. That means you will have to invest some time on it daily if you want to create a website and make money.

Tip: Write every day, or at least few times a week. The more you write, the more interest your site will hold, then more people will follow it, and more your website will appear to be relevant to the ad placement algorithms.

Remember, more ads = more clicks!

6) Start advertising your site

Sign up for Google Adsense service.

AdSense will place relevant ads on your site based on the content of your site. You get paid every time an ad appears your site, or your ad is clicked on. Therefore, the more traffic you bring to your site, the more clicks and impressions you will generate, and the more money you will make.

7) Promote your site

Every time you post something on your site, even if it is a minor spelling change, tell the world about it on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google+, and other social media sites. The trick is to spread the word.

Create accounts on all of the above social media sites, and post links to your articles on your site.

Start an e-mail campaign for your site. Once a week, publish a “Best of this week” email and send it to everyone on your e-mail list. Do not overdo it so that it becomes spammy.

8) Keep measuring the performance of your site

Find which ads work the best and do more ads and pages similar to those. Refine your process continuously because each visit is an opportunity for growth and revenue generation. Remember, the longer your visitors stay, the bigger your paycheck will be.

9) Join an affiliate network

Many big companies use affiliate programs to increase their online sales. That is why most of these affiliate programs are free to join. You earn affiliate commission every time a visitor buys an item through the affiliate link on your website.

Over to you.

How do you create your own site and make money? Please comment below.

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  3. July 6, 2015 at 9:03 PM — Reply

    […] How to Create Your Own Money Making WebsiteMyTechBits, on Thu, 11 Jun 2015 04:15:00 -0700In the early 2000s, you could create a business name and find a matching domain name. However, these days, getting an exact match domain name for your business name have become almost impossible! That is why you need be little bit creative while … […]

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