Hackers Getting Smarter and Faster

Many companies are finding is difficult to keep up with the problem of cyber crime as hackers evolve with the passage of time. Cyber-crime is becoming common and a big problem for not just companies but also individuals, they are more creative and sneakier.
Latest reports from Internet security teams at Symantec (SYMC, Tech30) and Verizon (VZ, Tech30) give a complete picture of the situation and deliver a shocking picture of how computers have become unsafe online.
The biggest cyber crime was committed last year with Sony being hacked and the Heartbleed bug to major corporate attacks. Latest analysis from Symantec’s reveals that the hackers are evolving at a faster rate than companies trying to defend themselves, more and more attacks are being launched each day.
A shocking number of 317 million malware were made last year, this means that nearly one million threats are released each day. Companies have not tried fixing old computer bugs and that is being utilized by the hackers, according to Verizon’s 2015 Data Breach Investigations Report.
Experts say that it seems that computer bugs are not an issue but it is a popular option for hackers all around the world, the third most popular to be more exact. Companies do not have the manpower to tackle these issues as this would mean additional cost. There is a 40% rise on cyber-attacks when compared to last year. Hackers usually try to sell the information for money and they strike fast with their attacks being well directed and systematic.
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