
Ground-breaking new mobile app answers the question of “Am I Psychic?”

Has technology reached the point that it is now possible for a mobile app to answer the question “Am I Psychic?”

What will be the first if its kind to hit the app market place, “Am I Psychic?” takes a scientific approach into finding out if you have psychic abilities or not.

Dominic Parker
Dominic Parker

Dominic Parker is close to completion on what could be a revolutionary app that uses a combination of science and statistics to test peoples potential psychic ability. Within the last year, there have been many apps that have come out that check peoples vital signs like heart rate and temperature. In the near future, apps will be able to detect sickness and other possibly life threatening issues. In a similar sense, the “Am I Psychic?” app could be on the cutting edge of finding a 6th sense.

Once complete, the app will be available for both Android and Apple devices, to include phones and tablets, and sell for just $.99, making the app affordable for anyone to try.

The app has a built in PRNG (pseudo random number generator) which generates random numbers, which generate more numbers, which generate yet more numbers, essentially creating a very complex coin flip, but done using binary means. What Dominic has done is he developed a unique and advanced version of this PRNG method which utilizes the x/y axis of your phones screen which then uses the various touches to feed the PRNG to help make it more and more random.

Now using this PRNG engine within the app, users can play games which test the user for thing like ESP (extra sensory perception) and PK (psychokinesis) to prove whether or not they have “the gift”.

What makes the app even more interactive and useful is that once the user is done playing the games to test for these abilities, not only are they given their results, but if the users agrees to allow their results to be published, the results are also collected online and used for an academic research paper to try and prove or disprove whether psychic abilities are real and presented to the scientific community.

Proceeds of the apps sale will go to the oldest parapsychological research lab in the United States called the Rhine Research Center ( to help continue funding advanced research into these untapped human abilities.

At this point, the app is in the Alpha phase and continuing to be tested and tweaked. The framework has been built as well as most of Dominic’s revolutionary mobile PRNG engine. The next steps are mostly cosmetic, where he plans to add a more visual appealing interface using 3D graphics and a more attractive logo, app icon, website and marketing materials. With well over 1 million apps in each of the respective app stores, creating an attractive look for your app is almost as important as having a fully functioning app.

Mode choosing screen
Mode choosing screen

The other loose end is making sure the programming is 100% complete and properly functioning for the data collection. To be able to submit results of an academic research paper to scientific journals and the scientific community, very accurate measures must be taken to document users experiences.

The accuracy of the app is completely based on decades of academic parapsychological research with RNG’s. Hundreds of academically published parapsychological research articles have used the same experimental protocol as the app. The difference is that there has never been an app that does this which expands possible subjects to hundreds of millions of people. As well the user will be prompted to view their results after each “test”. The results will be displayed in a mathematical statistically correct graph format that is easy to understand and read.

At the time of this article, the app has not been tested on self proclaimed psychics, but this exact protocol has been used by parapsychologists to test psychics since the early 1970’s. Statistically significant results in favor of everyday people as well as psychics being able to mentally influence an RNG to become less random has been proven over and over again by parapsychologists.

Dominic Parker is not only the apps primary creator but also a published author with multiple credits in the field of parapsychology. He recently contributed a chapter with world famous parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach in the book “Extrasensory Perception: Support, Skepticism, and Science”

Dominic has also been published for a review of the 2014 Parapsychological Association Conference and was published in the “Paranormal Review”, the SPR (Society for Psychical Research) which is the oldest and most respected parapsychological organization in the world. Dominic has been nominated for the Student Representative of the Parapsychological Association while he currently attends the University of West Georgia, which is the only major University in the USA that allows its students to focus part of their studies on parapsychological research.

Dominic was quoted as saying:

“We all have psychic experiences. Whether it is the ‘sense of being stared at’, the ‘placebo effect’, ‘telephone telepathy’ (thinking of someone and then they call), having unconscious feelings or intuition about things that are going to happen, have happened etc. I have been a student of world famous parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach at the HCH Institute in Lafayette, CA so I have come into contact with psychics and other things that cannot be explained through our current understanding of science.”

To help Dominic complete the app and aid in his self-funded study of peoples potential psychic abilities, he has started a Kickstarter campaign to get his app to where it needs to be for a public launch. After investing nearly $10,000 of his own money as well as time into the app so far, he is looking for contributions of only $5,000 additional dollars to reach his goal and give millions of people the opportunity discover their inner psychic ability.

To help Dominic, check out his kickstarter campaign here.

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1 Comment

  1. July 20, 2015 at 9:24 AM — Reply

    I agree that computers can help in refining your abilities but the real and accepted way to learn energy and life force is working with other humans. Programs which are randomized are good for predictive abilities but that is only one branch of a massive tree that has to work in conjunction in order to work correctly. there is a big difference between virtual and reality. I do like the fact that technology is helping in the field of the spirituality.

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