Google’s Pac-Man Street View feature is real

Desktop users can now play Pac-Man on Google Maps. Many people thought that it was an April Fool’s day prank but Google was not playing. Users who use desktops can now click on an icon on Google Maps and they will start viewing into an arcade game. According to Christian Science Monitor, people can look into the arcade game as long as there are roads.
For people who are using mobile devices, the options are limited but Google’s support page has some useful tips on how to use the feature on a mobile device. Now users are finding ideal spots for Pac-Man, the most famous places are now the Taj Mahal and the University of Illinois. According to CNN, the game will gone, its temporary and will around for a little while.
According to Google, they have introduced the “smartbox” this is a new mail box that fuses everything together. It has features like smart folders and safety for junk mail. The new smarter mail box is something that many have been looking forward to and while Google is having some fun with the Pac-Man feature, they are also producing functional products for their users.
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