
Google requests CNIL to reconsider its order about Right to be forgotten

Google has requested CNIL to reconsider its order about Right to be forgotten. Last month, CNIL, the French data protection regulator ordered the search giant to remove records from all the local versions of the search engine and it had 15 days to respond to the French authorities.

What is Right to be forgotten?

Right to be forgotten was ordered by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) last year in May. Under this order, people living in Europe could petition the removal of a listing regarding them in Google’s search index if it was outdated or incorrect and they should have a reasonable claim for doing that. The system proved popular among European citizen and nearly 12,000 requests were received on its first day and over 250,000 requests till now.

Google said that it has acted in accordance with the right to be forgotten and has helped many European citizens to get rid of their information. But, the search giant removed the data only from the local search engines in Europe (data still remains in other countries search results.) Google also said that “one country’s idea of what’s illegal may contrast with that of another.”

Peter Fleischer, Google’s Global Privacy Counsel said in an official blog post:

“France’s data protection regulator, the CNIL, sent us a formal notice ordering us to delist links not just from all European versions of Search but also from all versions globally. That means a removal request by an individual in France, if approved, would not only be removed from and other European versions of Google Search, but from all versions of Google Search around the world.”

According to Google, French authorities should reconsider their decision regarding right to be forgotten in order to maintain freedom on the internet.

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