Google Now can be replaced by Microsoft Cortana with its latest update

Google Now can be replaced by Microsoft Cortana with its latest update, while it is still in its latest version. The app is still in private testing phase and available only to some users in the United States. The new functionality is a sign of commitment Microsoft is showing to expand Cortana in other OS.
At the Microsoft Build Developer Conference in May, the company officially announced that Cortana would be launched on iOS and Android later this year. The features are identical to the Windows Phone / Windows Mobile Version 10, but Cortana was used only as a third-party application.
Google Now can be replaced by Microsoft Cortana:
Pressing the Home button on their smartphone, Android users will be able to decide whether to select Google Now or Cortana assistant for their queries. Google Now can be replaced by Microsoft Cortana but unfortunately the flagship “Hey, Cortana” feature will not be coming to Android at all because according to Microsoft hardware limitations prevent the software from constantly listening to the command.
Google Now can also be used on iOS, though in a more limited form due to restrictions imposed by Apple on third-party applications. Now, there are three voice assistant apps vying to take control of your life, and retrieve and display information, according to the users’ queries. As far as Siri is considered, it is available exclusively to iDevices only.
Google Now can be replaced by Microsoft Cortana and the latest update brings the beta version up to version The latest version is available on the Google Play Store for those in the program and if you want to sign up for testing Cortana on Android, you can do so by visiting Microsoft’s official website.
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