Google removes the interstitial mobile app ads completely for a better user experience

To make the users experience better, Google removes the interstitial mobile app ads completely. The Interstitial mobile app ads are those full screen ads that pop up when you load a mobile site and are asked to install the app to run its content natively on it.
The search engine giant decided to analyze interstitial ads for Google+ and found that only nine percent of visitors press the “get app” button, while 69 percent of the users abandoned the page completely.
Here is the Google analysis report:
1. “9% of the visits to our interstitial page resulted in the ‘Get App’ button being pressed. (Note that some percentage of these users already have the app installed or may never follow through with the app store download.)”
2. “69% of the visits abandoned our page. These users neither went to the app store nor continued to our mobile website.”
Google removes the interstitial mobile app ads completely and David Morell, Software Engineer, Google+ wrote in a blog post regarding it:
“Based on these results, we decided to permanently retire the interstitial. We believe that the increase in users on our product makes this a net positive change, and we are sharing this with the hope that you will reconsider the use of promotional interstitials. Let’s remove friction and make the mobile web more useful and usable.”
Based on the analysis result, Google removes the interstitial mobile app ads completely and are also getting rid of the banner on later versions of iOS. The search engine giant hopes that other internet companies will also do the same for a better user experience.
Google removes the interstitial mobile app ads completely and it will definitely annoy some of the site owners whose developing team has spent long hours developing the app.
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