TechnologyVideo Games

Gears of War 4 will be more darker and mysterious game

When the Gears of War 4 was revealed during E3 2015 fans noticed that there was not much action in the trailer.

In an interview with IGN, Rod Fergusson stated:

“We always thought this teaser just like a straw, People expected a logo showing up with a poem Marcus, but we wanted something different. Why not make a teaser that showed the atmosphere and the tone of the game? ”
Fergusson said “With Gears of War 4 we are returning to something more personal, dark and mysterious, like being afraid of the bogeyman.”

The first part of Gears of War was “a monster game” and as the series progressed, “in Gears of War 3 you had a game about war. The Locust are enemies that you know how to defeat, Wretches not scared anymore.” So, the Coalition wants to return to the original game – “that sense of mystery, of things lurking in the night” as Fergusson said.

The story focuses on JD and Kait, soldiers who are not big war veterans as Marcus Fenix was. “You look at someone in, say, 20 years of age, and there is still much to develop. There is a greater opportunity. The impact of the game on the character may be higher,” added Fergusson.

The developer says working on Gears of War Ultimate Edition at the same time as Gears of War 4 has helped the team that had not worked on the previous games to get a feel for what this third iteration needed in order to go in a slightly different direction.

The game Gears of War 4 will launch on the Xbox One sometime next year.

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