
The New Fujifilm X-T1 IR Camera Could Help Forensic Scientists Find Hidden Clues At Crime Scenes

The new Fujifilm X-T1 IR camera announced by the Japanese company could help forensic scientists find hidden clues at crime scenes.

The new Fujifilm X-T1 IR camera will be able to capture light from a wavelength ranging from 380nm to 1000nm while the human eye can view a wavelength between 390nm and 700 nm. In other words, the XT1 IR can capture things which humans cannot see with their naked eye.

Why you need an infrared camera?

According to the Japanese company Fujifilm X-T1 IR camera is designed for professional use and can help criminal investigators, scientists and physicians. Since this camera can capture infrared spectrum, it could help find blood stains and detect lesions in deep tissues.

It is a niche market, but infrared photography is often used in forensics because the images show better temperature differences of a body and also detect objects and liquids in a more detailed way than traditional photography.

In the field of fine arts, for example, the infrared cameras help to determine the authenticity of a painting to see the sketches that exist below the surface.

The new Fujifilm X-T1 IR camera will probably have a 16.3 megapixel sensor, a rugged weather-sealed magnesium-alloy body, large EVF and a 3-inch LCD screen. The new camera will be an improvement over the previous product, but their images were not disclosed.

The ability to capture full spectrum light with the new Fujifilm X-T1 IR camera will make it a desirable alternative for amateurs and professionals. Many of the cameras that are in the market actually havw a filter that blocks unwanted wavelengths, which can be removed through another filter, but it is not always easy and also not cheap. The camera will be released in October and will cost nearly US $ 1,700.

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